
Showing posts from September, 2018

Prisoners-Clip Anaylsis-752 words

Prisoners clip analysis The clip begins with wide shot establishing the setting of the scene, showing the viewer a dark car a small diner as well as the weather with it being late at night and there being heavy rain which is also emphasised by the diegetic sound of the rainfall. The establishing of the setting gives the viewer a feel for the themes of the scene as it is common with horrors and thrillers due to the time of say and heavy rainfall giving the viewer a glimpse of the tone. Following this the camera switches to a full body shot of a man eating in the diner using diegetic sound to show this as at first we are shown him from and sitting down the diegetic sound in this part of the scene is also used to keep the viewer hooked on the weather and tone of the scene do to the thunder and rainfall which can be heard in the background. Then the camera slowly zooms in on the man as he talks to the waitress in a kind and polite manner giving us an idea in to the mind of the ...

Crimson Peak-768 words

Crimson Peak The scene begins with a close up shot of the protagonist waking up in bed gasping for breath and gripping her stomach in pain which is emphasised with the lack of a score, this engages the viewer by building confusion, tension and fear for what may happen to the protagonist in the following scenes. The continuation of the scene follows with the protagonist staying up out of bed as well as the shot changing from a close up to a neutral shot, creating a effect on the viewer as they are put on the same level of the protagonist allowing for a more personal relationship with her. This change in shot also emphasises the low key lighting in the scene creating a fearful emotion in the viewer do to the low key lighting being common with horror and thriller films as well as it being a natural human fear. The start of this scene ends with a panning shot around the room the protagonist is in giving us a peak in to the setting which appears to be a old fashioned bedroom between the 1...