
Showing posts from November, 2018

Pan's Labyrinth (Pale Man Scene)-cinematography and mise-en-scene analysis

Pale Man Scene Begins-53:50 Ends-59:54 There are many ways the cinematography and mise-en-scene creates meaning throughout all of Pan’s Labyrinth however it is most noticeable in specific scenes of the film one of which is the ‘pale man’ scene. The scene begins with a dolly shot  as the camera reverses backwards creating a false sense of security as we see the whole room showing no danger which is later not the case, the dolly shot shows the audience a long old hallway with stone pillars creating a sense of mystery through the use of location,  also in this hallway the walls are lit with a 'bloody red' colour illuminating of the wall which links with danger creating a sense and meaning of anxiety and fear for the audience. Next we follow Ofelia as she enter a huge room lit red with rotting stone pillars and a table full of delicious foods which mirrors the earlier dinner seen but putting it in the realm of fantasy rather than reality as well as plac...

Creative film-Storyboard


Creative film-Evaluation

Evaluation In this task, we choose a horror/thriller theme about the "following" as a young girl is mysteriously chased by a unknown creepy man showing the danger of life itself. the film takes place through a series of locations around one park giving a sense of security in the location however it being a false sense of security at the same time, the mise-en-scene is key to this due to the establishing shots and the reversal of the typical horror conventions. During the editing process we cut quick shots as the film progressed giving a sense of danger as the plot thickened, as well as multiple shot types such as a tilt shot , extreme close-ups and mid-shots , also a typical horror non-diegetic music was used to build further tension to the film. It was also used to build an emotional connection to the protagonis t as the viewers fear for her.